Amitabh Bachchan celebrates Holika Dahan | Bro Teck

 Amitabh Bachchan celebrates Holika Dahan after being injured while taking a break at Jalsa.

Amitabh Bachchan expresses gratitude to all those who have prayed for his recovery after sustaining rib injuries.

While filming his film Project K.

He rests with a strapped chest and will resume work only after full recovery.

Amitabh Bachchan has written a blog post to thank everyone who has expressed concern and has prayed for his recovery. On the sets of Project K, the actor suffered rib injuries while filming an action scene. The 80-year-old gave a health update, stating that he is currently resting with his chest strapped and will only return to work if he fully recovers.

“First, may I offer my gratitude and love for your prayers,” Amitabh wrote in response to those who had shown concern about his injury. I’m overwhelmed by the consideration you show me and am incredibly appreciative of the Ef family for this hug. I’m making slow improvement; it’ll take time. I follow the doctors’ orders strictly, resting and strapping my chest. Work has ceased and won’t resume until my condition has improved and a doctor has given me the all-clear. But I want to thank everyone so much.

In light of the uncertainty surrounding the festival’s timing, the actor also discussed how they celebrated Holika Dahan on Monday. The ‘Holika’ was lit yesterday night at Jalsa due to a date mix-up on the day for HOLI, and it is already finished, he wrote. Due to the misunderstanding caused by HOLI being observed today and tomorrow, many things that could have been done were not. I recharge and rest. But you have my best wishes as we celebrate this fantastic festival: “May the colours of HOLI bring the many shades of life into your life.”

Amitabh posted about his “rib cartilage popped fractured & muscle tear in the right rib cage” on social media on Monday after learning the news. He said the damage was  “painful” and consulted a doctor before returning home for recovery.

Prabhas and Deepika Padukone play critical roles in Project K. The movie, produced in both Hindi and Telugu, is expected to be released in 2024.

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